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Contact Us

Get in touch

We take great pride in the products we create, and always look forward to helping you get the most out of every ride.

There are many ways to contact us but the best and quickest way is a phone call or email. For sales and product inquiries email our sales account below. For questions regarding service of your SPOT bicycles, email the bike service account listed here.

+1 (303) 278-3955   |  |

Business Hours

Mon-Fri: 9:00am-5:30pm MDT

Stay in touch

We're sociable

Check us out on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter:

We check direct messages on our social platforms once a week. The best way to get a hold of us quickly is by phone or email. 

Shipping Address

Use the address below for all RA returns or other shipments.

Spot Bikes
331 Corporate Circle
Suite C
Golden, CO 80401


Covering More Ground Since 1991

We have a proven history of innovation and an unwavering commitment to top-level engineering and design. From our groundbreaking Living Link suspension technology to our CenterTrack belt system invention, Spot Brand creates bikes that go faster, last longer, maximize your enjoyment, and simplify your cycling lifestyle.

The Lumpkin family founded Avid in 1991 and grew the component company into America’s largest brake manufacturer. After selling Avid and acquiring Spot, we turned our attention to building better bikes. First, we revolutionized the reliability and simplicity of belt drives by creating the CenterTrack design that has made Gates Carbon Drive the world’s best-selling and most durable bicycle belt system on the market.
